Campaign Middle East

We are adding trust to digital, by mFilterIt’s Amit Relan

Amit Relan Director, Co-Founder, mFilterIt.

Over the past 2 decades or more, the technology quotient, even in legacy organisations and businesses is increasing.  It has reached a scale where now we are looking at digital becoming the frontline and things moving from being digitally enabled to digitally driven.  In recent times, especially after Covid-19 pandemic surfaced, D2C (direct to consumers) is one leading trend riding on digital.

In all this, WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) becomes paramount as there are gaps between promise and the delivery.  Some of the reasons are beyond our control, however, many times these gaps are intentionally created for ulterior motives.  Despite the best of the technology driving digital, the trust deficit or trust gap, so created results in lot many issues and challenges.  This is where mFilterIt bridges the gap by coming in as a neutral and unbiased partner to the equation setting a reconciliation between various partners in the digital advertising space.

In the digital form of businesses, a campaign has a lot more relevance than just being a way to outreach.  The job of a campaign is to reach out to the right people, who could find value in the product or service being offered, make a precise and deliverable promise to them and facilitate fulfilment of the promise, which takes place through e-commerce.  So, like the actual sale and payment process, advertising it through a campaign is equally important.  Our focus all these years has been primarily around making payments and the sale transactions safe.  Its time for making advertisements also safe, to create a holistically safe brand which earns the trust and faith of consumers and partners as more and more things are driven digitally.

A campaign is potentially unsafe from many threats.  Just like a new-born, we need to vaccinate it and then constantly keep a track of the health status.  This is precisely what mFilterIt does with the campaigns.  The biggest threat out there is SIVT (sophisticated invalid traffic) which can be engineered using BOTs as well as other human-led techniques.  The bad actors in the ring will use these techniques to fraudulently ‘earn’ performance with the myopic objective of making quick money by faking the results.  Hence, instead of delivering real results, the entire value chain falls prey to a few bad actors who fill up the space with mistrust and fake engagements.

Over the years we have built a holistic portfolio which caters to over 90% of the digital ad spends of any advertiser and enhances the efficiency by at least 20%.  Not only does the campaign RoI improve, but the solutions also help brands create and maintain a positive reputation which further reduces the trust gap.

A brand might be using the latest technology to build the entire digital experience. It is of no relevance if it’s not yielding the desired results which can only come if the overall proposition is trustworthy and reliable for users and partners to engage.  If that does not happen, the implementation might only become a good showcase of technology without any business impact.

The ecosystem is converging on to a common ground – where advertiser, agency and the publisher is trying to create a cohort of trust which can engage the intended audiences for building long term relationship and nurturing communities.  All the forward-thinking partners in the value chain have started realising that a collaborative effort is required to build a fundamentally trustworthy environment which is sustainable.  Acquisition of a customer or user is not an easy game.  Equally difficult is the stickiness.  In digital, this becomes more complex as users have almost equal substitutes without any strong barriers to entry.  They can switch at any moment!  So, if the users acquired or engaged with are not the right cohort, the cost of acquisition will be a waste and won’t have longevity meaning the advertiser will have to repeatedly spend on building the audience base, the agency will have to increased pressure of showing up the results, the publishers will get diminishing pay-outs as advertisers won’t see the source of sticky users.

Some years ago, the story was different where an advertiser, agency and the publisher were pulling in divergent directions resulting in a loophole which was then exploited for ad-fraud and brand safety challenges.  Today, things are different.  The serious players in the business are proactively working on covering the digital sphere with a blanket of trust that comes from a partner like mFilterIt.

Today, mFilterIt is wrapping brands with the blanket of trust across all major sectors like e-commerce, travel, OTT, BFSI among others.  This is not only helping the brands to save money but also drive data analytics on filtered pure business data as well as build a safe brand, where customers or partners have not to think twice to engage.  That is the assurance level value is looking for and a responsibility that the entire ecosystem must work towards.
