Campaign Middle East

This is not the time for gimmicks. Act accordingly – by Sasan Saeidi



The word COVID-19 is forever engrained in our minds. We will look back to this time and remember it as a year of “quarantine” and school closure. The year where we coined the word covidiot; the term used for people who ignorantly and stubbornly dismiss advice, hoard supplies and are a cause of more problems than solutions. We will also look back at 2020 as a year when we saw the best in humanity in our social care and medical professionals, and the exact opposite, shameful to say the least.

Sasan Saeidi is global partner, Nestlé, at Wunderman Thompson

We all feel and worry about the calamity that is happening around us; affecting our families, friends, neighbours, colleagues and businesses. We’re all consumed with this massive threat to humanity, and today it’s not business as usual for any of us. Quite the opposite. And while we appreciate the fact that we’re trying to make things work and push along, there are some that are not as fortunate and need help; and it’s on all of us to use our power of influence and thinking to push ourselves and our clients to do more.

As a communication professional, let me get specific and simply outline that today it’s

Actvertising time and not Advertising.

All of us in the field of marketing and communication have an obligation to push our brands and clients to do more-good and be at the service of our communities.

This community service is the job of all of us and our clients; and we must act as a caring corporate citizen. As brand leaders, opinion leaders, business leaders, we can make a difference and do our part to ease the suffering in the most selfless manner possible.

So while I love the spirit of creativity that is popping up every day, in my opinion these attention-grabbing public safety announcements (PSA) and messages and logos for social distancing are not enough. We need to volunteer; and give back through service; through charity; through money, through food, through supplies; through time, through creativity to ensure communities have enough resources and hope to fight and beat this bloody pandemic.

Let’s push for acts and brainstorm with our clients to ensure we don’t stop at a PSA announcement. That we don’t stop with a post that is beautifully depicting self-isolation or logos being altered to merely collect likes. This is not the time for gimmicks.

I have friends and family that have been affected and are suffering as we speak; so I take it seriously both personally and professionally and if this writeup and professional advice can inspire action for a few companies and people to volunteer and act, then I feel it’s a good deed.

There has never been a more crucial time for brands and businesses to bring to life their values. The same values that look so good on their corporate websites. It’s the only time to give back and do something great.

Pass it on.
