Blogs & Comment

The web – it’s all about good behaviour, don’t you know

Below is a direct quote from Arab News, which published an article on Saudi Arabia’s proposed web publishing laws on 2 January.

“Online newspapers, blogs and forums will now need to register with the Ministry of Information and Culture for licenses to operate, according to new regulations that the ministry is to introduce. The new system, which will be introduced in a month’s time, has been discussed by online newspapers and bloggers who say the attempt to regulate online media in the same way that the kingdom’s print publications are regulated is not workable.

The regulations also specify punishments in case of violations. These include the obligatory publishing of corrections, fines and bans for various time periods, including total bans. Applicants for licenses need to be Saudi, no less than 20 years of age, have high school certificates in the least and documents testifying to their good behaviour. Online newspapers also need to employ editors in chief who have been approved by the Ministry of Information and Culture.”

Despite all you could possibly say about this latest attempt to restrict freedom of expression, it’s the “testifying to their good behaviour” quote that cracked me up. The supression of information and opinion is no longer possible. Give it up.
