
The Loeries 2020 Entries Open with a Call For Change

Africa and the Middle East's award for creative excellence calls to make a difference in brand communication

Entry to the Loeries 2020 is now open and the Loeries is calling on the brand communication industry to create work that changes things and makes a difference. Recently appointed Loeries COO Suzie Bowling says: “People don’t realise the incredible power creative minds have to impact real change that can make a real difference – and the Loeries is committed to driving the industry to use its power for positive change.

“Our region – Africa and the Middle East – is ripe with opportunity for creating meaningful change. Just two examples are that only 10% of waste is recycled, and fewer than 20% of African women have access to education.”

“We can use our creative muscle and our brand strengths to change these statistics,” Bowling adds. “It’s not just what brands say, but what they do. Consumers are savvy today. They see through cause-washing. The Loeries is calling on brands and agencies to drive change that is more than surface deep. It is not only about once-off campaigns, but change in operations, policies, culture, purpose, products, services, and the experiences we offer our customers.”

Real problem-solving is not foreign territory for the Loeries, which is working with Facebook and the UN- Women’s Unstereotype Alliance to bring to life last year’s Student Facebook Challenge winners’ (Vini Xavier, Tshegofatso Kwele and Cara Brauckmann) mobile-first Stories campaign – ‘Know Her Name’ – for the United Nations’ HeForShe campaign, which tackles gender inequality in professional football. This year, the Loeries and Facebook have partnered with Aware.org – the Association of Alcohol Awareness and Responsibility, and are calling on young minds to create an Instagram campaign on the issue of underage drinking.

The Loeries entry deadline is 11 May. For more information visit loeries.com.
