Sofia SerranoSep 16, 20201.27KSTARZPLAY & PSB Research In-depth study on streaming video reports 141% growth in MENA unique users
Sofia SerranoSep 14, 20201.31KLangpros’ Matteo Ippoliti emphasizes the need for top-quality translation services for businesses
Austyn AllisonSep 13, 20201.84KThose who fail to pivot to AR advertising will be left behind, say DIC guests
Sofia SerranoSep 10, 20201.39KThe ‘Glocal’ Effect – why we all need to think bigger in the pandemic age by MMP World Wide’s Ayman Haydar
Austyn AllisonSep 7, 20202.94KFacebook introduces campaign to support local small and medium businesses in MENA
Austyn AllisonSep 7, 20201.49KLaunching a physical product to a virtual audience in the face of the pandemic – by Ikea’s Carla Klumpenaar
Austyn AllisonSep 6, 20201.39KCovid-19 did not disrupt; it accelerated the inevitable – by Fusion 5’s Elie Haber
Austyn AllisonSep 6, 20201.31KLuxury brands: outlining a new model of restraint – by Acorn Strategy’s Kevin Hackett