Campaign Middle East

My Secret Work Weapon: People

Ricarda Ruecker, vice president of leadership and organisation development & executive coach, MCN

Being asked the question what inspires me to do my work, what keeps me going, is a great moment for a bit of self-reflection. By the way, it is something most of us don’t do enough.

My answer lies not in any treat. What inspires me and gives me lots of energy is doing work that is meaningful to me; something where I can say ‘I found my purpose’. I want to do work that is not just a job but fills me with satisfaction, happiness and a sense of accomplishment.

In my case I always had jobs that I truly enjoyed, and this is the case for all my previous roles. However, what inspired me changed throughout my career. Especially over the past few years, what really mattered to me changed. I guess that comes with age, experience and maturity.

The centre of my attention today is no longer purely a successful business, a strong brand or an award-winning campaign. It is people – those behind all these success stories.

I get my greatest fulfilment at work out of knowing that I supported a person in becoming more successful, improving behaviour and skills, growing in his or her leadership development, finding his or her own path, growing in his or her career, letting people feel that each of them truly matters and can make a difference.

The business environment is becoming faster and in many cases more impersonal. We spend a lot of time understanding new technologies. We talk about innovation, integration, efficiencies etc. However, what is all of it without the people doing it?

Listening actively, understanding the human psychology, asking what people’s needs are, why they behave the way they do, how we can improve our people management (which ultimately leads to better business management, higher motivation and performance); all this gives meaning to me. And it inspires me every day.
