
MCN launches digital support agency

MCN has launched a new integrated services and technology agency that will offer key digital support across the group’s UM, Initiative and Magna brands.

Called Platform5, the new entity will be headquartered in MCN’s Hive building in Dubai and will be led by general manager Mohamad Itani.

The agency has been created in response to the increase in devices, channels, touchpoints and data across the industry, with the idea being to add greater value by “helping agencies reach and engage with their most valuable audiences in real time through its five distinct elements”. These elements include Reprise Media, a digital marketing agency with expertise in SEM, SEO, and social media marketing; Cadreon, a specialised real-time bidding platform; mobile solutions; and ad serving and trading elements. Platform5 already has 17 staff, with plans to hire a total of 20 by the end of July.

“With the constant fragmentation of digital media and its touchpoints, it has become necessary for leading agencies to adapt and evolve their approach to cater for this change,” said Itani. “Platform5 is a natural evolutionary step for MCN to embrace the best use of technology and talents to the benefit of its clients.”

Ghassan Harfouche, group CEO of MCN, added: “Platform5 is a major step – one of many to follow – which will further improve our offering, in line with global best practice. MCN and its agencies are determined to embrace innovation in order to deliver an integrated solution to our clients.”

MCN is also the home of FP7, Lowe MENA, McCann Healthcare, Promoseven 360, MRM Worldwide, and Weber Shandwick MENA.



  • This is like the 5th team overhaul in 5 years, only now with a different outfit. Their vision on digital has been publicized over and over again but their key barrier which left them behind in this game is their traditional business module (trading based) which effects any product lead business on both digital and offline. The same people that appointed all previous digital teams cannot appoint this team and expect improvement, incremental maybe…. but its the overall leadership and structure that develops wining business!

    my 2 cents

  • yes there have been a lot of changes and instability at MCN.

    The experience at UM, the digital team was pretty capable. Under staffed and hard working.

    Such a shame that they can’t retain one team out of five for longer than one year.

    Good luck everyone

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