Campaign Middle East

Dubai adland stars launch Science & Sunshine

A collective of homegrown talent has launched a new agency in Dubai called Science & Sunshine.

Based in the Loft Offices in Dubai Media City, the agency will aim to push the envelope in ‘design, content and everything else in between’ and has been founded by four individuals who grew up in the city.

The founders are chief executive Nadine Ghossoub, chief creative officer Shahir Zag, executive creative director Ash Chagla, and Farid Hobeiche, the agency’s business development director. All four previously worked together at Y&R Dubai. Collectively the team has over 65 years of experience in the advertising industry in Dubai.

“Science & Sunshine isn’t just about being another agency, indie or otherwise, in Dubai,” said Ghossoub. “We have history in this industry and roots in this city and we take great pride in continuing our story in its bright future.”

She adds: “The founding members of the agency all grew up here. We went to kindergarten here, we had our first kisses here and we started our careers here. We cut our teeth here, did brilliant work here, and not so brilliant work here. It’s all part of our story and how we got to where we are.

“Learning the ropes at the multinational agencies was invaluable. We launched local and international brands in Dubai back when we were living in a desert and today they have become household names. So we felt like it was time to take our investment in the industry to the next level, and we wanted to create an agency that represents everything that Dubai is and is striving to be. We are committed to this place. Even our name is inspired by it.”

Science & Sunshine has launched with a number of founding clients and it is expected that the number of staff will increase during the next six months.

“People always say that Dubai has no local talent. Well, we believe we are the embodiment of this city’s talent,” says Ghossoub. “As a collective team, we’ve won countless local, regional and international awards. We’ve represented Dubai on the global stage and we’ve built some of this city’s most iconic brands.”
