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Building rules in public: Twitter announces new approach to synthetic and manipulated media

As part of Twitter’s responsibility to create rules that are fair and set clear expectations for everyone in the service, Twitter announced its plan last fall to seek input from the public in Arabic, English, Hindi, spanish, Portuguese and Japanese, on how it will address synthetic and manipulated media. Today, it’s sharing what it learned and how it shaped the update to The Twitter Rules, how it will treat this content when it identifies it, as well as something new that will be seen in Twitter as part of this change.

Through a survey on its initial draft of this rule, as well as Tweets that included the hashtag #TwitterPolicyFeedback, Twitter gathered more than 6,500 responses from people around the world. It also consulted with a diverse, global group of civil society and academic experts on its draft approach. Overall, people recognize the threat that misleading altered media poses and want Twitter to do something about it. Here are some of the top-line findings:

Compared to placing warning labels, respondents were somewhat less supportive of removing or hiding Tweets that contained misleading altered media. For example, 55 percent of those surveyed in the US said it would be acceptable to remove all of such media. When asked to give their open-ended thoughts about the proposed rule, people who opposed removal of all altered media talked about the impact on free expression and censorship.

What’s the new rule?
People may not deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm. In addition, Twitter may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand the media’s authenticity and to provide additional context.

Twitter will use the following criteria to consider Tweets and media for labeling or removal under this rule:

1. Are the media synthetic or manipulated?
In determining whether media have been significantly and deceptively altered or fabricated, some factors it considers include:

2. Are the media shared in a deceptive manner?
Twitter will also consider whether the context in which media are shared could result in confusion or misunderstanding or suggests a deliberate intent to deceive people about the nature or origin of the content, for example by falsely claiming that it depicts reality.Twitter also assesses the context provided alongside media, for example:

3. Is the content likely to impact public safety or cause serious harm?
Tweets that share synthetic and manipulated media are subject to removal under this policy if they are likely to cause harm. Some specific harms Twitter considers include:

What will this look like on Twitter?

If Twitter believes that media shared in a Tweet have been significantly and deceptively altered or fabricated, it will provide additional context on the Tweet. This means it may:

In most cases, it will take all of the above actions on Tweets it labels.

The teams at Twitter will start labeling Tweets with this type of media on March 5, 2020.

While Twitter recognizes that this will be a challenge and it will make errors along the way — it appreciates the patience. However, it’s committed to doing this right. Updating its rules in public and with democratic participation will continue to be core to its approach.

Twitter is working to serve the public conversation, and doing its work openly and with the people who use its service.
