
Unisono wins Batelco creative brief

Bahraini telecommunications firm Batelco has handed its creative advertising account to Unisono following a competitive pitch.

The win follows a two-stage, multi-agency review of the business that began last year, with independent agency Unisono taking on all of Batelco’s above and below-the-line creative duties. The account was previously held by FP7, with O2 also understood to have worked on part of the business.

Speaking of Unisono’s appointment, Abdulla Abuidrees, senior marketing manager at Batelco, said: “The evidence of Unisono’s ability to deliver measurable results in our sector is something we all recognised. Their unique brand-centric approach is giving us great insights into where we can take the brand and we are already seeing results of the partnership.”

Amy Morgan, Unisono’s CEO and co-founder, added: “We are all very excited by this win and are looking forward to achieving great results for a flagship brand like Batelco. We share a passion for delivering amazing work as evidenced by our first campaign together, Batelco’s 4G launch. We are delighted to have a partner so invested in realising their brand’s potential”.

Unisono was formed by Morgan and creative director Liam Farrell in 2006. The agency has worked for clients such as Naseej, Majaal, Viva and the Bahrain Financing Company, with the Batelco deal valid for three years.

The recent review is the second in two years to be called by Batelco, with the company pitching the account in February 2011, just weeks after FP7’s Bahrain office had been named agency of the year at the MENA Cristal Festival in Lebanon on the back of its body of work for Batelco.

In March this year Batelco was named advertiser of the year at the Dubai Lynx. During the previous two years Batelco’s advertising – produced by FP7 – had won a total of 26 Dubai Lynx awards, including a handful of grands prix.


1 Comment

  • Good news for all the unpaid ex employees and suppliers that are currently suing them then!

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