
Adams to quit as head of OgilvyAction MENA

Claus Adams, the head of OgilvyAction in the Middle East and North Africa, is to leave the agency.

The German national is to depart the agency within the coming week, with possible replacements currently being interviewed by parent company Memac Ogilvy. It is understood that Adams is moving to Austria to take up a new position.

Ronald Howes, managing director for the UAE at Memac Ogilvy, said: “Claus will very much be missed and OgilvyAction has performed extremely well under his leadership. We will be using this opportunity to restructure the agency because we feel that Claus’ role had probably been too big for one person. We’re planning to divide the role. One person from our existing structure will take on the GCC portfolio, and then Claus’ replacement will take MENA, so at least he’ll get some support in a region that’s very big and diverse. That’s the plan, but we will miss Claus both as a person and as a professional.”

Adams joined OgilvyAction MENA in 2008, moving from OgilvyAction in Germany, where he was managing director.


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