FeaturedThe Work

Sole – Hidden Soles

Moloobhoy & Brown’s video for Sole, a new Dubai-based platform for all things sneakers.

Project Hidden Soles
Client Sole
Agency Moloobhoy & Brown
Director Neel Kumar
Production company akela
Creative director Hussain Moloobhoy
Executive producer Hussain Moloobhoy
Producers Joshua Cox, Kris Balerite
Copywriter Neel Kumar

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  • Drivel. The old Levis style VO and ‘so cool’ copy. The crash and flash style art direction. It like many decent ads rolled into one mediocre one. Difference is it’s shot in Dubai….. Oh whoopdedoo! Heard it before, seen it before.

  • Neville – showing your age now, dont think these boys were born when they did Levis ads

    Get your pipe, slippers and stick on Mad Men and chillax

  • Bert, i’m taking off my smoking jacket and coming over. Put your dukes up!
    Still I was under the impression that Levis still had stores open, advertised their brand on a global scale and sold quite a few bits and bobs as well. I fear the new age ‘creative’ mind is all craft and no substance. I’m off to write some ads that actually sell stuff. Bye!

  • Neville, i’ve been waiting for you behind the school shed with my cowboy boots, Levis jeans (they seem to be tighter than i thought) wife beater vest and smoking Luck Strike Menthols and call me Bobby G

    Ps. try the Dubai outlet mall for the Levis store new grand opening store – you should pitch

  • its a good advert .. the schpeel here is also pretty good .. only problem is that it feels imported .. as in not homegrown .. providing dubai as a background can only do so much to prevent that imported feeling from blocking out any genuine emotional attachment to the message being delivered via the voice over .. which without the voiceover – i couldn’t tell if this was an ad for shoes or skateboards or the punk lifestyle filled with complicated teenage angst .. im not a teenage but i love my kicks and i have at least six different pairs .. and they almost ingnited the rebel spirit in me with the ad but i remembered i live in dubai .. what am i going to rebel against?

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