
PR agency Atteline offers pro-bono consultation amid COVID-19 pressures

The agency will offer two-hour sessions to help guide communications campaigns

UAE PR agency Atteline has announced it will be offering pro-bono consultation and strategic planning sessions for home-grown business, and other B2C brands with a regional presence, during this challenging time. From 1st May until 30th June, Atteline will open its virtual doors to give regionally based companies two-hour PR consultancy sessions, with the agency’s Founder and Account Director, to help guide communications campaigns to drive business and brand-building through a three-phased approach; react, respond, renew. Such an approach can help companies adapt to, and emerge stronger from, this crisis as well as ensure better positioning for tomorrow.

Sophie Simpson, Founder and Managing Director of Atteline said “in the current state of the market, many businesses are struggling to keep afloat. We, too, are a small business and understand the pressures of the current situation and, with this in mind, we stand firm that Public Relations is a critical part of a business’s success. Not only is communication important for reputation management throughout these tough times, but it is paramount in ensuring a strong and prosperous return when things are back to a ‘new’ normal.”

60% of Atteline’s client base consists of home-grown regional brands, so the effects of the crisis have definitely not gone unnoticed. Simpson continues “our aim in offering these services is to help fellow small business owners in propelling them back into the front of consumers minds. The consultations are designed to help identify patterns and extrapolate themes that anticipate the ‘new normal’ for society, brands and stakeholders. It is a time to adapt and thrive in the new era as it unfolds and we want to support businesses to become cited examples of success during this time.”
