
BMW retains incumbent following review

Dubai-based agency PlanNet Middle East has retained the creative account for BMW Group Middle East.

The agency will hold the account for another three years following a pitch process that started in September of last year. The pitch was in line with BMW’s corporate policy of regular agency reviews to ensure the best service possible.

The pitch process was overseen by Mohamed Fawzi, regional marketing manager of BMW Group Middle East, and involved a pitch committee of eight people, including regional BMW importers, their marketing representatives, and BMW’s central marketing department from Munich, as well as a consultancy from Hamburg called The Observatory.

The shortlisted agencies were FP7 Dubai, Saatchi & Saatchi, Grey Dubai and incumbent PlanNet Middle East. All were given three test assignments to complete as part of the process: a product launch and tactical campaign for BMW, and an assignment for MINI, which is also part of the BMW Group.

Fawzi said that BMW Group Middle East decided to stay with PlanNet because of its existing working relationship. “PlanNet were more familiar with our client network, with our marketing managers around the region and with the brand itself,” he said.

Just over a year ago BMW handed its regional media buying and planning business to Zenithmedia following a competitive pitch. The German car manufacturer had previously worked with Interone Resonance, which re-pitched for the business, but decided to go with Zenithmedia after a review of its regional media requirements. The pitch also included Magna and Media Insight (which has since merged with Mediacom).



  • And cost the agency $$$$$ of wasted time, for something we all knew back in Sept.

    Fazi – of course PlanNet were more familiar – so they should be, they have been working for you for years!

  • As long as agencies jump into the pitch process with gay abandon, clients will abuse them and rightfully so. If agencies want to change this process they have to regretfully decline from taking part in the obvious time wasting exercises such as this. Or better still ask to be paid for their time. If they win the business the pitch fees can be credited against the account revenue, if they lose they’ve used their resources wisely. We can’t moan and groan after the fact, it’s just a waste of everyone’s oxygen. It is a shame that this means BMW will continue to pump out the same mindless pap they’ve been delivering though. Onwards and upwards!

  • A Brand so strong as BMW will survive all this mediocre shit.
    There are only a very few who know what the BMW Brand is all about,
    those in the ” decsion board” for sure do NOT belong to them.

  • It is called Agency greed and hunger Phil

    Hunger for Saatchi and Grey (they don’t handle any automotive account)

    Greed for FP7 since they handle the business of Ford and typical FP7

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